Stunning results. I used it exactely according to the description and CD that comes with it. Our dog barked and chased our cats from our bed at 3 AM in the morning, so we could not sleep anymore. I used it from my bedside ONCE , yes ONCE !!! My dog is quiet since 3 days when I used it first. You have to sometimes reinforce it but that’s it. I wasted money on expensive trainers (people) and other training gadgets. Forget it. Buy this but really only use it when it’s warranted , otherwise try to move it without making a sound. That way they will always be reinforced when you want it them to.A&P Folman (California)
“I tried this product to stop nuisance barking at the door when doorbell rings. If you follow the training tips that they provide before you use it, you cannot fail. You do need to periodically enforce it and go back to the initial steps to ensure the dogs continue to be affected by it. It does seem to work well with multiple dogs as long as you train each one individually before using it. I recommend it highly!”Helen E. Fidler (Kentucky)
“I highly recommend shakeTrainer to all my clients.”Dr. Boaz Mann
Boynton Beach, Florida
I have a 8 month old teddy bear dog – who would constantly bark when I was on the telephone – so I thought I would give this a try. My husband thought I was “crazy” and said he would eat the thing if it worked……….so as he watched me do step “1”, which did take a while – but did work in the end…my little dog no longer barks when I am on the phone. Today I just got a call from my husband wanting to know where I got this trainer – because “HE” was telling someone how wonderful it worked – guess what he’s having for dinner tonight!!!!!Suzan Stone (Michigan)
This product works and it works immediate! I have 2 big great danes and one is an unruly puppy and this product works on him thank u!Cindy Klauss (Washington)
I received the Shake Trainer on a Friday and by Sunday my Chahuahua had stopped barking, really. She didn’t bark a lot like some Chihuahua’s, she did not bark at the doorbell or noises outside but she would sit at the patio door and bark at birds, squirrels, wind socks, pretty much anything that moved out there. But not anymore. She will run to the patio door like always but she does not bark she just sits and watches. I would recommend this to anyone. I still can’t believe it but it’s true. I have not heard Chica bark for days, really amazing.Vickie Stinnett (California)

If shakeTrainer doesn’t stop your dog’s unwanted behavior in 7 minutes or less, just send it back for a quick and courteous refund... no questions asked.